Charity For Medical Treatment Of Poor People In India

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4/27/20231 min read

hospital bed near couch
hospital bed near couch

Charity For Medical Treatment Of Poor People In India.

In this article, we’ll discuss the causes supporting the charity for medical treatment of poor people in India for orphans and elderly people.

It’s a known fact that medical expenses are going high day by day and a large number of people are not being able to afford it. ‘Healthcare’ is one of the most fundamental aspects of a society’s well-being. In fact, ‘healthcare’ is taken as a very important factor signaling how a country is performing.

But not everything is merry when it comes to healthcare in the Indian context. The exchange of cash that goes out of the wallet to get the services is enough to make an average Indian daunt over the entire process. Nothing is ‘healthy’ about healthcare, it seems. It is deeply saddening that such a basic necessity like healthcare is meant to provide solace to only the elite.

Causes Supporting Charity For Medical Treatment of Poor People in India:

We at Travelling Big provide an integrated program for child care, education, health care and provide opportunities for sustainable income. This has helped us to prevent children forced into child labor. As an initiative, we have creche facilities where we prove meals and education to the children.

Our vision is that each child gets access to proper education, health care, nutrition so they can have a life where they are not forced into child labor and child marriage. We aim to support their overall development and completion of education.

We have different charity causes like:

  • Donate for elderly care health.

  • Donate for children’s health.

  • Donate for COVID 19 relief.

About Nazakat : We are Delhi based NGO that works on various charity causes. We tend to provide health care facilities to needy people of different verticals of society.